Performers starting with F

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Performer Directory

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Below is a list of performers (vaudeville, stunts, outdoor shows, etc.) that start with F (act name or last name) and the dates they performed.

List of Performers Starting with F

Performer Name Type of Act Dates Performed Weeks Seasons Notes
Farlardo Sound mimic May 29-June 4, 1904 1 1
Bud Farnam Blackface comedian and musician June 27-July 2, 1904 1 1
Mat Farnan Irish comedian July 16-22, 1899 1 1
Tim Healy and Ella Farnum Singers and dancers August 24-September 12, 1903 3 1 Known as Healy and Farnum
The Faust Family Acrobatic act June 4-10, 1899
May 20-26, 1900
July 9-15, 1905
July 31-August 5, 1905
August 20-26, 1905
5 3 Six acrobats, led by Ted Faust, performed with Billy Link in July/August 1905
Edward M. Favor and Edith Sinclair Actors May 19-25, 1901 1 1
Mille Essie Fay and Company Animal act July 16-August 6, 1911, 1911 3 1 Performed with a horse named "Arabia"
Fayble Contortionist July 23-29, 1905 1 1
Blanche Fayne Comedienne August 12-18, 1900 1 1
Herr Grenada and Madame Fedora Highwire act May 21-28, 1910 1 1
Ferguson and Beeson Singing dancing and comedy act June 12-18, 1904 1 1
George H. Fielding Juggler June 11-17, 1899 1 1
Professor Fink Animal act August 23-29, 1903
April 28-May 11, 1912
3 2 Trained mules, trained dogs, and ponies
Raymond Finlay and Lottie Burke Entertainers June 26-July 2, 1904 1 1 Known as Finlay and Burke
Fish and Quigg Comedians and knockabout specialists September 9-15, 1900 1 1
Fisher and Clarke Comedy acrobats September 11-18, 1904 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher Entertainers July 2-8, 1905 1 1
Harold Sinclair and Marie Flemming Singers June 2-6, 1914 1 1 Sang with a chorus of 22 boys and girls
Hill and Flournoy Wild West Show July 8-August 5, 1912 4 1
The Five Flying Bicketts Acrobatics June 18-July 2, 1899 2 1 Comprised of one man and four women
Fogerty and Lavigne Eccentric comedians September 3-9, 1899 1 1
Forrester and Floyd Character and conversational comedians September 8-15, 1901 1 1
Foster and his dog, Mike Animal act August 20-26, 1905 1 1
Foster and Williams Musical comedy August 27-September 2, 1899 1 1
Four Dancing Heiresses Comedy bicyclists August 6-12, 1905 1 1
The Four Webbs Human bridge builders July 17-23, 1904 1 1 Made of three men and one woman
Will H. Fox Comedy pianist May 28-June 3, 1899 1 1
Francelli and Lewis "Lyric novelties" June 2-8, 1901 1 1
M. Francois Drawing room entertainer August 19-25, 1900 1 1
Frantzmathes and Lewis Rifle and pistol shooting May 29-June 4, 1904 1 1
Frayne and Evans Singing and dancing comediennes July 21-27, 1901 1 1
Miss Frazee Flying trapeze August 2, 1911 1
Costello and Frederick Irish comedy July 14-20, 1901 1 1
The Freeze Brothers Tambourine spinners September 13-20, 1903 1 1
Frey and Fields Comedy, buck and wing dancing July 29-August 4, 1900 1 1
Grothus and Frizell Entertainers June 14-21, 1908 1 1 Cancelled after first performance in 1908
Frosini Accordion soloist August 5-25, 1907 3 1
Fuchs and Schmidt German comedians May 12-16, 1914 1 1
Frederick Hallen and Mollie Fuller Singing and dancing June 24-30, 1900 1 1 Known as Hallen and Fuller
Smith and Fuller Actors and musicians May 27-June 2, 1900
July 16-22, 1905
2 2