Performers starting with H

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Performer Directory

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Below is a list of performers (vaudeville, stunts, outdoor shows, etc.) that start with H (act name or last name) and the dates they performed.

List of Performers Starting with H

Performer Name Type of Act Dates Performed Weeks Seasons Notes
Haight and Dean Actors August 13-19, 1905 1 1
Castellat and Hall Actors September 8-15, 1901 1 1
Keno and Hall Comedy acrobats September 3-9, 1899 1 1
Lou Hall Comedian August 5-11, 1907 1 1 Performed with Hilda Thomas in 1907
Pauline Hall Opera singing August 5-11, 1900 1 1 Known as the "Queen of Light Opera," performed with Francis Wilson in 1900
Hallen and Hughes Blackface performers and soft shoe dancers August 28-September 3, 1904 1 1
Frederick Hallen and Mollie Fuller Singing and dancing June 24-30, 1900 1 1 Known as Hallen and Fuller
Halley and Meehan Blackface performers July 31-August 6, 1904 1 1
Bean and Hamilton Line barrel jumping July 3-9, 1904 1 1
L. H. Hammel Balloon ascensions June 18, 1913 1
Large, Morgner, and Hannan Acrobats June 2-6, 1914 1 1 Known as the "three fellows with four legs"
The Harbecks Contortionists and jugglers on a slackwire July 9-15, 1899 1 1
Tom Hardle Comedy acrobatic tramp act August 30-September 5, 1903
July 10-16, 1904
2 2
Harold Square Quartet Singers August 12-19, 1906 1 1 Composed of Fisher, Herbert, DeBruin, and Marx
Tom Hardy Acrobatics June 30-July 6, 1901 1 1
Louis and Harr Blackface performers July 8-14, 1906 1 1
Lawrence and Harrington Actors August 20-26, 1899 1 1
D.J. Harrington Ventriloquist July 1-7, 1906
August 12-19, 1906
2 1
Four Dancing Harrises Dancers June 17-23, 1906 1 1
Cartmele and Harris Singers and dancers August 5-11, 1907 1 1
Harris and DeLoss Acrobatic dancers May 21-27, 1905 1 1
Harris and Walters Actors July 7-13, 1901
August 21-27, 1904
2 2
Sadie Hart Acrobatic song and dance June 23-29, 1901 1 1
Will and Edith Hart Singers and dancers June 10-16, 1906 1 1
John R. Harty Juggler August 27-September 2, 1899 1 1
Harvey Chin balancer July 7-13, 1901
September 1-7, 1901
2 1
Harvey and Devura A "kid act" May 20-26, 1906 1 1
The Harvey Sisters Singers June 25-July 1, 1899 1 1
Webb and Hassen Acrobats and head balancers June 24-30, 1900 1 1
Hayes and Bandy Eccentric dancing comedians August 26-September 1, 1900 1 1
Ed Hayes Blackface comedian August 20-26, 1905 1 1
LeClaire and Hayes Singing and dancing June 17-23, 1900 1 1
Roberts, Hayes, and Roberts Singing and dancing comedy August 4-10, 1901 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Hayman Comedians June 3-9, 1906 1 1
Tim Healy and Ella Farnum Singers and dancers August 24-September 12, 1903 3 1 Known as Healy and Farnum
Healy and Elmer Vance Llittle person performer and her husband August 5-11, 1907 1 1 Known as Healy and Vance
Tom Hefron One-legged singing, dancing, and athletic act July 16-22, 1899 1 1
Henderson and Ross Performers July 23-29, 1905 1 1
Hendrix and Prescott Singers and dancers July 16-22, 1905 1 1
Louise Henry Mimic and comedienne August 7-13, 1904 1 1
The Herald Square Comedy Four Singing Quartet May 21-27, 1905 1 1
Herbert and Willing Blackface comedians and dancers July 23-29, 1905
September 3-11, 1905
June 14-21, 1908
3 2
Herman and Byers Pantomimes August 6-12, 1905 1 1
Herr Grenada and Madame Fedora Highwire act May 21-28, 1910 1 1
Adelaide Herrmann Magic act July 3-9, 1904 1 1 Known as the Queen of Magic
Zavo and Mlle Hilda Contortionists July 29-August 4, 1900
July 14-20, 1901
2 2
The Three Hills Comedy acrobats August 4-10, 1901 1 1
Hill and Flournoy Wild West Show July 8-August 5, 1912 4 1
McPhee and Hill Gynasts May 28-June 3, 1899
July 15-21, 1900
2 2 Act involved triple and high bars
Harry Hill's Wild West Show Wild West Show June 29-July 31, 1913 4 1
The Three Hillyers Performers June 24-20, 1906 1 1
Hilton Outdoor feats on a swinging ladder June 9-15, 1901 1 1
Mooney and Holbein Singers, dancers, and comedy May 15-21, 1904 1 1
The Hollands Comedy acrobats May 22-28, 1904 1 1
The Hollsworths Music and comedy May 29-June 4, 1904 1 1
Armstrong and Holly Actors June 12-18, 1904 1 1
Holmes and Waldron Comedy musical artists July 1-7, 1900 1 1
Professor Howard's Comedy Ponies Animal act July 16-22, 1899 1 1
The Howard Sisters Entertainers September 13-20, 1903 1 1
Howard and Linder September 18, 1904 1 1
Howard and Trusdell Comedy sketches June 4-10, 1905 1 1
Flo Irwin and Walker Howley Actors July 7-13, 1901 1 1 Known as Irwin and Howley
Frank R. Hoy's Society Entertainers June 17-23, 1900 1 1
Ad Hoyt Blackface comedian September 11-18, 1904 1 1
Huber's Trained Bears and Kangaroos Animal act July 25-August 2, 1908 1 1
Frank Berry and Jack Hughes Musical comedians June 25-July 1, 1899 1 1 Known as Berry and Hughes
Golden and Hughes Blackface performers August 13-19, 1905 1 1
Human Torpedo Aeronaut Various weeks 1910 1 Played by Walter Raub and also known as "Professor Raub"
Humes and Lewis Comedic actors June 30-July 6, 1901 1 1 Known as the Clown and the Circus Girl
Edward Rane Hutchinson Aeronaut Agusut 27-September 2, 1905 1 1 Known as Professor Ed. R. Hutchinson
J.K. Hutchinson & Co. Entertainers June 10-16, 1906 1 1