Performers starting with M

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Performer Directory

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Below is a list of performers (vaudeville, stunts, outdoor shows, etc.) that start with M (act name or last name) and the dates they performed.

List of Performers Starting with M

Performer Name Type of Act Dates Performed Weeks Seasons Notes
Calahan and Mack Irish comedians June 30-July 6, 1901
May 29-June 4, 1904
2 2
Eddie Mack Dancing comedian and monologist May 15-21, 1904 1 1
Harry Mack Actors July 21-27, 1901 1 1 Performed with Griffin and White in 1901
Robert Rogers and Louise Mackintosh Actors June 10-16, 1906
June 14-21, 1908
2 2 Also known as Rogers and Mackintosh prior to being married
Madam Etoille's Six Society Circus Horses Animal act August 4-18, 1907 2 1
Herr Grenada and Madame Fedora Highwire act May 21-28, 1910 1 1
M. Francois Drawing room entertainer August 19-25, 1900 1 1
The Three Madcaps Acrobatic dancers August 7-13, 1904 1 1
Georgia Gardner and Joseph Madden Comedy actors September 2-15, 1900
September 8-15, 1901
3 2 Also known as Gardner and Madden
Maddox and Wayne Actors June 2-8, 1901 1 1
M'lle Aline Juggler and hoop manipulator August 2, 1911 1
Mademoiselle Ani Aerial artist and contortionist July 30-August 5, 1899 1 1
Zavo and M'lle Hilda Contortionists July 29-August 4, 1900
July 14-20, 1901
2 2
M'lle Latina Singer May 15-21, 1904 1 1
Magee and Crimmins Comedy, songs, dances, monologues, and lightning crayon drawings July 2-8, 1899 1 1
Manning and Drew Comedy actors July 16-22, 1905 1 1
Mardo Brothers Ccomedy acrobats August 13-26, 1905 2 1 Group of three performers
Marriott Twins Juggling and spinning bicycles August 20-26, 1905 1 1
Marsh and Sartella Singing, eccentric and novelty dancing September 1-7, 1901 1 1
Marshall and Lorraine Comedy duo August 14-20, 1904 1 1
Edna Bassett Marshall Opera singer June 18-24, 1899
July 9-15, 1899
May 20-26, 1900
3 2 Prima donna soprano who sang opera songs in different costumes in rotating scenes along with five specialty artists
The Martelles Bicycle experts June 16-22, 1901 1 1 Harry and Emma Martelle
Louis Martinetti and Lillie Southerland Acrobatic comedy September 10-16, 1899
August 26-September 1, 1900
2 2 Known as Martinetti and Southerland
Martini and Maximillian Comedy magic act June 26-July 2, 1904 1 1
The Marvelous Orton High wire act August 30-September 5, 1903 1 1
Mason and Bart Comedy acrobats August 5-11, 1907 1 1
Kelly and Mason Dutch and Irish comedians July 30-August 5, 1899
May 19-25, 1901
2 2
Zoe Mathews Singing comedienne July 2-8, 1905 1 1
G. F. Matthiessen Stunt cycling July 30-August 26, 1905
July 29-August 19, 1906
July 23-August 4, 1907
8 3 Performed as "Diavolo" on the Loop-the-Loop (July 30-August 19, 1905 & July 29-August 19, 1906) and as "Prodigious Porthos" on the Leaping the Gap (August 20-26, 1905 and July 23-August 4. 1907), sometimes referred to as Fred Matthiessen
Matzeno and Thomas International dancers September 2-8, 1907 1 1
The Maxsmith Duo Entertainers May 13-19, 1903 1 1
Maxwell and Dudley Singing comedians July 14-20, 1901 1 1
Dick and Alice McAvoy Comedy musicians June 4-10, 1899 1 1 Known as the "Original Hogan Alley Kids"
Joseph McBee Magician May 12-16, 1914 1 1
Sa-Van and McBrien Comedy acrobats July 1-7, 1906 1 1
The McCann Family May 19-25, 1901 1 1
Myles McCarthy and Alda Woolcott Actors July 23-29, 1905 1 1
W.J. McDermott Actor May 27-June 2, 1900 1 1 Impersonations
Iler, Birk, and McDonald Acrobatic act June 4-10, 1899 1 1
De Onzo and McDonald Acrobatic and barrel act June 17-23, 1906 1 1
Charles McDonald Monologist July 2-8, 1905 1 1
Eddie McDonald Acrobatic comedians August 12-18, 1900
July 21-27, 1901
2 2 Performed with Bob Keys in 1901
McPhee and Hill Gynasts May 28-June 3, 1899
July 15-21, 1900
2 2 Act involved triple and high bar
Halley and Meehan Blackface performers June 24-30, 1900
July 31-August 6, 1904
1 1
The Meier Family High divers August 23-29, 1903
August 31-September 6, 1908
2 2
Melnotte-La-Nolo Trio European wire artists May 13-19, 1903 1 1
Melrosas Outdoor high-wire bicycle act May 19-25, 1909 1 1 Act performed on ropes 60 feet in the air
The Melrose Acrobats Acrobats August 14-20, 1904 1 1
Keno, Welsh, and Melrose Comedy acrobats August 5-11, 1900 1 1
Waldorf and Mendes Comedy acrobats August 28-September 3, 1904
September 18, 1904
2 1
Merritt and Murdock Comedy August 26-September 1, 1900
June 9-15, 1901
2 2
Metropolitan Four Entertainers July 16-22, 1905 1 1 Also known as the Comedy Four
The Michelsen Bothers Banjoists September 10-16, 1899 1 1
The Sisters Millar Banjo players, singers, and dancers August 30-September 5, 1903 1 1
Desmob and Miller Dancers and singers August 13-19, 1905 1 1
Glenny and Miller Acrobatic comedians August 2, 1911 1
The Three Millettes Acrobats July 28-August 3, 1901
August 11-17, 1901
2 1
Milliard Brothers Comedy bicyclists August 6-12, 1905 1 1
Millington Hand balancer and equilibrist September 8-15, 1901 1 1
Great Milmar Brothers June 26-July 3, 1905 1 1
The Great Miltair Musical act August 12-18, 1907 1 1 Known as the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh"
Minor and Galbreath Comedians July 30-August 5, 1905 1 1
Miron and Pearl Eccentric comedians June 4-10, 1905 1 1
George W. Monroe Monologist and character actor June 9-15, 1901 1 1
Lucy Monroe Comedienne September 8-15, 1901 1 1 Performed with George Sinclair in 1901
Monroe and Hart Comedians July 23-29, 1899 1 1
Mooney and Holbein Singers, dancers, and comedy May 15-21, 1904 1 1
Montazeli Brothers Acrobats July 30, 1913 1
Eddie Moore Irish [or German] character comedian and dancer July 22-28, 1900 1 1
K.R. Moore Acrobat July 7-13, 1901 1 1
Emma Littlefield and Victor Moore Actors June 19-25, 1904 1 1 Also known as Littlefield and Moore or Moore and Littlefield
Moreland, Thompson, and Roberts Comedy, singing, and dancing August 26-September 1, 1900 1 1
Professor Morman Aeronaut July 30, 1911
September 10, 1911
July 30, 1913
August 3, 1913
2 Played by Ed Morman
The Morello Troupe Acrobatics June 4-10, 1899 1 1
Morphet and Stevenson Prestidigitation and musical comedy act May 20-26, 1900 1 1
Large, Morgner, and Hannan Acrobats June 2-6, 1914 1 1 Known as the "three fellows with four legs"
Frank Morrell and Florrie Evans Burlesque operetta or ragtime opera June 18-24, 1899 1 1 Known as Morrell and Evans
Four Juggling Mortons Juggling act September 3-9, 1905 1 1
Lester and Moure Comedians May 28-June 3, 1905 1 1
Kita Mura's Japanese Troup Japanese stunts May 26-June 1, 1901 1 1 Troupe of 14 performers
Murphy and Andrews Actors July 1-7, 1900 1 1
Murphy and Mack Irish comedy June 17-23, 1900 1 1
Murphy and Williard Actors August 7-13, 1904 1 1
Musical Avolos Xylophone players May 28-June 3, 1905 1 1
Musical Bennetts Musical act July 1-7, 1906 1 1
Musical Bentley Xylophone player May 22-28, 1904 1 1
Musical Burke's Comedy Piano Players Pianists May 20-26, 1906 1 1
Musical Lowe Musical act September 2-8, 1907 1 1