List of Attractions

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Here is a list of attractions that were at Olentangy Park:

Attraction Name a.k.a. Opened Closed Part of Notes
Amphitheater Open-Air Theater 1921
Arcadia 1909 1910 (Replaced) Midway North part of the Midway
Archery Range 1930 1937 (park closure) South of the Red Devil
Automatic Vaudeville Automatic Theater, Automatic Exhibit 1909 1909 (Replaced) Midway Near where the second Old Mill was located
Baby Farm 1932 1937 (park closure)
Band Shell (1) Bandstand, Second Bandstand, Aerodrome, Airdome 1910 1931
Band Shell (2) Bandstand 1932 1937
Bandstand (South) Bandstand, First Bandstand 1895
Ball Grounds Baseball Grounds 1895
Ballroom (Outdoor) 1929
Baseball Diamond 1934 1937 (park closure)
Bathing Pavilion Bathhouse 1900 Located in the ravine, across from the boat dock
Billiards Billiard Room, Billiard Parlor, Pool 1903 Midway, Colonnade
Birdland Aviary, Bird-Land 1929 1937 (park closure) The Zoo Live animals
Boathouse Olentangy Canoe Club, Lake House 1896 1930 Boathouse Became the "Canoe Club" in 1913
Bowling Alleys 1896 Boathouse, Midway, Colonnade
Box Ball Alleys
Casino (2) 1922
Cave of the Winds 1903 1903
Checkerboard (Outdoor) Giant Checkerboard 1930 1937 (park closure)
Children's Playground Kiddyland 1921
Colonnade Colonade 1904 1921
Crazy House Crazyhouse 1911 1912 Midway
Creation or The Great Hereafter Hereafter 1906 1906
Crystal Maze 1899 1903
Dancing Pavilion (1) 1896 1905 (moved)
Dancing Pavilion (2) Ballroom 1907 1937 (park closure) Midway
Dear Old Coney Island Coney Island 1910 1911 (fire)
The Destruction of Johnstown Johnstown Flood 1910 1911 (fire)
Egyptian Mystery Egyptian Mysteries 1906 1910 Colonnade
Fair Japan Japanese Village, Old Japan 1905 Replaced by Swimming Pool
Fantasma 1906 1908
Flea Circus
Floral Conservatory & Greenhouse 1905 The Zoo
The Fun House 1913 Midway Enlarged and reopened as the Joy Mill in the early 1920s
Gypsy Camp 1907
Horseshoe Courts 1929 1937 (park closure) Expanded in 1934
Hindoo Mystery House of Hindoo Mystery, House of Mystery 1908 1908 Colonnade
House of Trouble 1903 1903
House That Jack Built 1904 1905 Colonnade
Infant Incubator 1908 1908 Colonnade
Japanese Ballroom 1937 (park closure)
Joy Mill Early 1920s 1937 (park closure) Midway Originally The Fun House
Laughing Gallery 1903 1906 Midway
Mickey Mouse Town Mickey Mouse Circus, White Mouse Exhibit 1937 (park closure) The Zoo
Millrace and Fish Pond 1911
Moonlight Gardens 1937 (park closure)
Moving Pictures Motion Picture Exhibit, Motion Picture Building, Theatorium Unknown
1908 (rebuilt)
1907 (damaged)
Museum of Ornithology Bird Land and Aviary 1903 1908 The Zoo
Mysterious Sensation 1926 1937 (park closure) Midway
Mystic Castle Castle Mystic 1904 1906 Midway
Oriental Palmistry Colonnade
Palace of Illusions 1904 1905 Colonnade
Palm Garden 1904
Panama Canal Exhibit 1909 1909
Penny Arcade (Colonnade) Arcade 1904 1921 (before) Colonnade
Penny Arcade (Midway) Arcade, North Arcade 1910 1911 (fire) Midway An arcade was destroyed in the 1911 fire, but an arcade still existed later
Photographic Gallery 1906 1907 (fire)
Rifle Range 1929 1937 (park closure) Midway
Roller Skating Rink (Building) 1906 1906
Roller Skating Rink (Portable) 1915 1915 (Death) Midway
Scenic Temple 1908
Shooting Gallery
Shuffle Boards
Snake Den 1908
Swimming Pool Bathing Pool 1917 1937 (park closure)
Temple of Mirth 1906 1911 (fire) Midway
Theater 1899 1927 (fire)
The Third Degree 1906
Tom Thumb Miniature Golf Miniature Golf 1930
Tours of the World 1906 1907 (fire)
Whirl-o-Ball 1930
Wonderland 1911 1911 (fire) Midway Replaced Arcadia
The Zoo Zoological Gardens 1903 1937 (park closure)