Performers starting with W

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Performer Directory

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Below is a list of performers (vaudeville, stunts, outdoor shows, etc.) that start with W (act name or last name) and the dates they performed.

List of Performers Starting with W

Performer Name Type of Act Dates Performed Weeks Seasons Notes
Eugene Wack Cornet soloist May 22-28,1904
June 5-11, 1904
2 2 Performed a duet with Harry Davis for the Week of June 5, 1904
Carney and Wagner Singers and dancers August 5-11, 1907 1 1
Texarkana and Walby Singers and dancers July 1-7, 1906 1 1
Waldorf and Mendes Comedy acrobats August 28-September 3, 1904
September 18, 1904
2 1
Jennie Calef and Andy Waldron Actors September 13-20, 1903 1 1 Known as Calef and Waldron
Holmes and Waldron Comedy musical artists July 1-7, 1900 1 1
Walsch Actor May 27-June 2, 1900 1 1
Harris and Walters Actors July 7-13, 1901
August 21-27, 1904
2 2
Dorothy Walters Singing and whistling comedienne June 23-25, 1904 1 1
The Carter and Walters Co. Actors August 21-27, 1904 1 1 Starring Robert Carter, Katheryn Walters, and Willard Hester
The Five Famous Waltons Acrobats June 25-July 1, 1899 1 1
Harry Walton Chinese imitator September 2-8, 1907 1 1
Frank Jones and Lillian Walton Actors June 2-8, 1901
June 5-11, 1904
2 2 Known as Jones and Walton
Albert C. Waltz Unicycle and skates September 6-12, 1903 1 1
Bertha Waltzinger Comedienne and singer August 7-13, 1904 1 1 Performed with George E. Boniface, Jr. in 1904
Mrs. Ward and Baby Lester Dancing and singing act August 18-24, 1901 1 1 Known as the "The Von Leipunspicher Kids"
Harry Ward's Minstrels Minstrel troup June 23-29, 1901 1 1
Nellie Waters Celtic comedienne July 30-August 5, 1899 1 1
The Watson Sisters Outdoor aerial act June 30-July 6, 1901 1 1 Performed with Juan De Zemora in 1901
Harry B. Watson Comedy bicycle trick rider July 9-15, 1899 1 1
Maddox and Wayne Actors June 2-8, 1901 1 1
Webb and Hassen Acrobats and head balancers June 24-30, 1900 1 1
The Four Webbs Human bridge builders July 17-23, 1904 1 1 Made of three men and one woman
Welby, Pearl, Keys, and Nellis Dance troupe June 18-24, 1899 1 1 Known for their showy costumes, dancing, and high kicking
John J. Welch Singing dancing comedian June 30-July 6, 1901 1 1
Wellesley Comedy juggler July 16-22, 1899 1 1
Edith Wells Actor May 27-June 2, 1900 1 1
Keno, Welsh, and Melrose Comedy acrobats August 5-11, 1900 1 1
May Wentworth Monologue and acting May 26-June 1, 1901 1 1 Also acted with a group
The Marvelous Werntz Family Outdoor gymnasts July 8-14, 1900 1 1
Allen and West Musical act June 11-June 17, 1899 1 1
Belmont and Weston Travesty artists September 2-8, 1900 1 1
Ryan and White Singers and dancers August 19-25, 1907 1 1
Emory White, Nicholas Zan, and Elaine Von Thiele Fortune tellers and singers June 14-21, 1908 1 1
Gerald Griffin and Olive White Actors July 21-27, 1901 1 1 Known as Griffin and White, performed with Harry Mack in 1901
Homer W. White Bicycle act August 1907 1 1 Performed the "Loop-the-Loop" bicycle stunt
May and Lilian Whiting Cornetists July 2-8, 1899 1 1
The Whitney Brothers Musical act July 30-August 5, 1899 1 1 Involved many instruments such as the electric metallophone that sparked with music and musical stairs
Lankin and Wilkes Illustrated songs July 16-22, 1899 1 1
Seekers, Wilkes, and Seekers September 3-9, 1899 1 1
Foster and Williams Musical comedy August 27-September 2, 1899 1 1
Instrumental Willards Musical artists July 28-August 3, 1901 1 1
Murphy and Williard Actors August 7-13, 1904 1 1
Herbert and Willing Blackface comedians and dancers July 23-29, 1905
September 3-11, 1905
June 14-21, 1908
3 2
Doris Wilson-Jackson Singer August 6-12, 1899
June 24-July 7, 1900
June 12-18, 1904
4 3 Performed with Harry C. Stanley in 1900 and 1904
Francis Wilson Opera singing August 5-11, 1900 1 1 Performed with Pauline Hall in 1900
Lizzie M. Wilson German dialect comedienne July 22-August 4, 1900 2 1
Reata Winfield Violin soloist May 29-June 4, 1904 1 1
Kittie Wolf Dancing and singing May 20-26, 1900 1 1 Known as the "Queen of the Summer Girls"
Harrison J. and Lydia Sinclair Wolfe Actors August 4-10, 1901 1 1 Known as Wolfe and Sinclair
Milt and Maude Wood Singers, dancers, and acrobats June 19-25, 1904 1 1
Myles McCarthy and Alda Woolcott Actors July 23-29, 1905 1 1
Estelle Wordette & Co. Comedy actors June 17-23, 1906 1 1